

Have you ever met someone whose name just…sticks? It rolls off the tongue, sparks a memory, and somehow embodies their personality. That’s the magic of a good name, and it’s exactly what you want for your brand.

Your brand name is your first handshake with the world. It sets the tone, creates expectations, and (hopefully) sticks in people’s minds. But with millions of businesses out there, how do you craft a name that truly resonates? Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Dig Deep: Find Your Brand’s Core


 Dig Deep: Find Your Brand's Core

Before diving into brainstorming, take a deep breath and become a brand archaeologist. Unearth the core of your brand: its mission (what problem do you solve?), target audience (who are you helping?), and core values (innovation, reliability, etc.). 

Think of Nike – their name, derived from the Greek goddess of victory, instantly conveys an image of power and athleticism for athletes. By understanding your brand’s DNA, you’ll create a foundation for a name that resonates with your target audience and embodies your brand’s essence. This “brand story” is the secret weapon that will guide you towards the perfect name.

2. Meaningful Matters (But Keep it Simple!)

Meaningful Matters (But Keep it Simple!)

A great name should tell a story, even if it’s subtle. Think about names like “Headspace” for a meditation app or “Patagonia” for an outdoor apparel company. They evoke a specific feeling or image without being overly complex.

A great brand name should be a whisper, not a shout.  It should tell a story, even if it’s subtle. Think about names like “Headspace” for a meditation app or “Patagonia” for an outdoor apparel company. These names evoke a specific feeling or image without being overly complex.  Imagine “Headspace” instantly transporting you to a calm, meditative state, or “Patagonia” conjuring images of rugged mountains and breathtaking landscapes. Aim for a name that subtly hints at your brand’s story, sparking curiosity and leaving a lasting impression.

3. Keep it Catchy (and Easy to Spell!)

Keep it Catchy (and Easy to Spell!)

Think of your brand name as your company’s jingle. It needs to be catchy enough to stick in people’s minds, but not so complex that they forget it before they reach a search bar. Imagine trying to remember “BrbwnglthngGadgets” – not exactly a recipe for brand recognition!

Studies by the University of California, Berkeley, show that brand names with higher phonemic complexity (harder to pronounce) are less likely to be remembered. Aim for a name that rolls off the tongue easily, like “Spotify” or “Slack.”  Similarly, keep spelling simple. While “Flickr” might be catchy, its unconventional spelling can make it difficult to find online. Remember, a memorable name is a name people can easily recall and share.

4. Uniqueness is Key (Trademark Troubles are Not!)

Uniqueness is Key (Trademark Troubles are Not!)

There’s nothing worse than crafting a brilliant name, only to discover it’s already claimed by another brand. Avoid trademark heartbreak! Before you get too attached, conduct a quick online trademark search. This simple step can save you a lot of heartache down the line. Think outside the box – aim for a name that’s unique and memorable, but not so obscure that it confuses your audience. Remember, your brand name is like real estate – location (meaning and memorability) is key!

5. The Power of Positive Emotion


the power of Positive Emotion

Our brains are wired to respond to emotions, so leverage that power when choosing your brand name!  Names that evoke positive emotions have a natural advantage. Think about brands like “Cheerios” or “innocent drinks.” These names subconsciously create a pleasant association, making you feel happy, healthy, or even a little nostalgic. Aim for a name that sparks a positive feeling, subtly influencing how people perceive your brand.

However, be mindful of avoiding negative connotations. Steer clear of names that sound harsh, difficult to pronounce, or have unintended meanings in other languages. Remember, a well-chosen name can be a powerful marketing tool, leaving a lasting positive impression on your target audience.

Bonus Tip: Test Drive Your Masterpiece!

Once you have a shortlist of contenders, get feedback! Run it by friends, family, or even potential customers. See how it rolls off the tongue, what emotions it evokes, and if it’s easy to remember.

Remember, crafting a resonant brand name takes time and effort. But with a little planning, you can find a name that perfectly captures the essence of your brand and sets you on the path to success. Did you know that according to a study by Brand New, a strong brand name can increase brand recognition by up to 80%?

So, get brainstorming, have fun with it, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. The perfect name for your brand awaits! But in case you need professional help in creating a unique and strong brand identity then Pixenite is here to help. Connect with us today for a consultation call. 

If you are considering brand loyalty as synonymous with customer loyalty, then you are highly mistaken as there are two very different things. Customer loyalty goal is customer’s spending and one can offer customer loyalty by offering discounts, lower prices, reward points while brand loyalty focuses on customer perception. Consider taking help from branding agency Ahmedabad to foster the best things for your brand.

Types of Brand Loyalty

Before anything else you have to accept the fact that brand loyalty is not created equal. If your customers are buying your product just because it was lying on the top shelf, then how will you take that inconsequential loyalty and turn it into the utmost loyalty? Well, to answer this question, you must understand that there is a brand loyalty pyramid and you have to go through those five steps to make your customers loyal to your brand.

Let’s talk about the loyalty pyramid:

1. Switchers


As the name suggests switchers do not care about the brand, they just buy whatever brand is there at the top shelf. They might not even remember the brand they bought today or at the last purchase. They are the ones who are not loyal to yours or any other brands. They are very much into changing the brand.

2. Habitual Buyers

Habitual buyers

The second layer to the loyalty pyramid is habitual buyers as they are happy or satisfied with the brand and thus do not think of switching to another brand. If they find any issues with the brand, they can easily make a switch to another product. They are the ones who love to play safe, and highly avoid experimenting on trying new brands.

3. Satisfied Buyers with Switching Costs

Satisfied Buyers with Switching Costs

The next is Satisfied Buyers with Switching Costs as they mainly stick to one brand because they find change a bit less attractive. Barrier includes like effort to choose another brand, monetary costs, quality concessions. But if you remove these barriers they are likely to switch as they are not really passionate about the brand unlike the next layer of buyers.

4. Brand Likers

Brand Likers

In this layer of pyramid, you will find buyers who are really passionate about the brand and they are proud of their association with the brand. They are emotionally connected with the brand, they may not clearly articulate why they like the brand so much, it is just that they really do like it.

5. Committed Buyers

Committed Buyers

At this apex of the pyramid, the buyer’s daily life is heavily influenced by the brand. In this case, the buyer can see how the product’s brand identity fits into his or her own world, and the brand owes it to the customer to show appreciation. Any savvy business should strive to have the vast majority of its clientele fall into this category; the question is, how can this be achieved?

Hire us, as your branding agency to elevate the growth of your business

How to Boost Brand Loyalty in the Customer base?

There are certain ways that can boost your brand loyalty, we have mentioned it in the below reading:

Set Customer Services as Foundational Stone

Customer care is actually meant to listen and care about buyer’s preference and those who understand the importance of giving valuable customer services can earn customers’ trust. Customers wish that when they speak they should be from a brand who can listen to them and solve their problem.

Set Customer Services as Foundational Stone

Ensure that your customer service representative should showcase caring, engaging revert when your customer has any query or complains. Helping a customer during a problem helps to foster stronger relationships and loyalty.

Exceptional Customer Experience

Exceptional Customer Experience

The key to building brand loyalty starts with delivering an exceptional customer experience. From the moment a customer interacts with your brand, be it through your website, social media, or in-store experience, every touchpoint should be seamless, personalized, and memorable. Make sure your customer service is responsive, friendly, and attentive to their needs. By going above and beyond to exceed customer expectations, you create a positive emotional connection that fosters loyalty.

Personalize Communication

Personalize Communication

Gone are the days of generic mass marketing. Customers now expect personalized communication tailored to their preferences and interests. Leverage customer data to segment your audience and deliver targeted messages through various channels. Whether it’s personalized emails, exclusive offers, or personalized product recommendations, make your customers feel valued and understood. Building a personal connection with your customers strengthens their loyalty and encourages them to choose your brand over competitors.

Consistent Brand Messaging

Consistent Brand Messaging

Consistency is key when it comes to building brand loyalty. Establish a clear and compelling brand identity, including a strong mission, vision, and values. Ensure that your brand messaging is consistent across all platforms and touchpoints. From your website content to social media posts, maintain a unified voice and visual identity that resonates with your target audience. Consistency builds trust and helps customers develop a deep connection with your brand.

Reward and Recognition Programs

Reward and Recognition Programs

Implementing a reward and recognition program is an excellent way to incentivize loyalty and make customers feel appreciated. Offer exclusive perks, discounts, or freebies to loyal customers. Consider creating a tiered system that encourages customers to reach higher levels and unlock additional benefits. Recognize and celebrate loyal customers by featuring their stories or testimonials on your website or social media channels. By acknowledging their loyalty, you deepen their emotional attachment to your brand.

Foster Community and Engagement

Foster Community and Engagement

Building a community around your brand is a powerful strategy for boosting loyalty. Create spaces for customers to engage with each other, such as online forums, social media groups, or offline events. Encourage user-generated content and reviews, and actively respond to customer feedback. By fostering a sense of belonging and involving your customers in the brand’s evolution, you strengthen their loyalty and turn them into brand ambassadors. Plus to understand more about branding awareness ensure to check our comprehensive guide.


Still have some confusion about branding? Well, why don’t you ask experts? We have immense years of experience in helping brands stand out. Don’t let confusion or worries, waste your precious time, talk to us today.

A study reveals that customers who love a brand story are more likely to buy 55% of their product, and 44% are likely to share its story with others. For ages, religious or moral lessons have been narrated in the form of stories, and we, as humans, are more inclined toward stories than anything else. The art of storytelling is as effective in brand building as anything else. A reliable branding agency can weave the best image for you.

Brand storytelling is a more effective tool to build reliability, emotion, trust and engagement, but it helps brands to stand out from competitors. With stories, businesses can evoke certain emotions amongst potential customers and craft a unique brand identity. One must always remember that your product may fulfill potential customers’ needs, but an effective story can reside in the heart of buyers.

The Power of Storytelling:

The Essence of Storytelling:

The Essence of Storytelling

At its core, storytelling is a fundamental human activity used for centuries to convey ideas, inspire, and entertain. Storytelling taps into our emotions, engages our senses, and makes information more memorable. Brands that embrace storytelling can cut through the noise, differentiate themselves from competitors, and create a lasting impact on their audience.

The Benefits of Brand Storytelling:

Benefits of Brand

Brand storytelling goes beyond merely sharing a narrative. It allows businesses to:

Develop a Brand Personality: Through storytelling, brands can create a unique persona that resonates with their target audience, enabling them to establish a distinct identity in the market.

Foster emotional connections: By crafting narratives that evoke emotions, brands can create a deeper bond with their customers, fostering loyalty and advocacy.

Enhance brand perception: Compelling stories can shape how customers perceive a brand, increasing brand trust and credibility.

Types of Brand Storytelling:

Types of Brand Storytelling

Foundational Stories:

Foundational stories focus on the origins and values of a brand. These stories often highlight the brand’s journey, the challenges it has overcome, and the core beliefs that drive its mission. Foundational stories help consumers connect with a brand’s purpose and understand its unique selling proposition.

Customer Stories:

Customer stories spotlight the brand’s customers’ experiences, successes, and challenges. By sharing authentic and relatable stories, brands can demonstrate the real-world impact of their products or services. Customer stories can build trust, showcase social proof, and inspire others to engage with the brand.

Product Stories:

Product stories aim to create a narrative around a specific product or service. These stories highlight the benefits, features, and solutions offered, focusing on how they can improve the customer’s life or solve their pain points. Product stories help customers understand the value proposition and differentiate the brand from competitors.

Influencer Stories:

Influencer stories leverage the power of influencers or brand ambassadors to share their experiences and interactions with the brand. These stories help build credibility, expand reach, and tap into the influencer’s audience, driving brand awareness and consideration.

Mastering Brand Storytelling Techniques:

Know Your Audience

Know Your Audience

To create effective brand stories, it’s crucial to understand your target audience intimately. Conduct market research, analyze consumer behavior, and develop buyer personas to identify your customers’ key motivations, desires, and pain points. Tailor your stories to resonate with their needs and aspirations.

Be Authentic and Transparent

Be Authentic and Transparent

Authenticity and transparency are essential in brand storytelling. Customers appreciate honesty and genuine narratives. Avoid exaggerations or misleading claims. Instead, focus on sharing real stories demonstrating your brand’s values, integrity, and customer commitment.

Create Compelling Characters

Create Compelling Characters

Characters play a pivotal role in brand storytelling. Develop relatable characters that represent your brand values and connect with your audience. Whether it’s a founder, employee, or customer, compelling characters humanize your brand, making it easier for customers to relate to and engage with your story.

Visuals and Multimedia

Visuals and Multimedia

Enhance your brand storytelling with visually appealing and interactive elements. Incorporate images, videos, infographics, and animations to make your stories more engaging and memorable. Visuals have the power to evoke emotions, reinforce your brand message, and capture your audience’s attention in a crowded digital landscape.

Craft a Compelling Narrative

Craft a Compelling Narrative

A well-crafted narrative structure is essential for effective brand storytelling. Start with a captivating hook or introduction to grab your audience’s attention. Build tension or conflict to keep them engaged, and then offer a resolution or a satisfying conclusion that aligns with your brand’s values. Use storytelling techniques like foreshadowing, suspense, and emotional arcs to create a memorable experience for your audience.

Incorporate User-generated Content

Incorporate User-generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) can be a valuable asset in brand storytelling. Encourage your customers to share their experiences, testimonials, or creative content related to your brand. UGC adds authenticity, diversity, and social proof to your brand stories, strengthening the connection with your audience and building a sense of community.

Consistency Across Channels

Consistency Across Channels

Brand storytelling should be consistent across all marketing channels and touchpoints. Whether it’s your website, social media platforms, advertisements, or customer interactions, maintain a cohesive narrative that aligns with your brand’s values, tone, and personality. Consistency builds trust, reinforces your brand identity, and ensures a seamless brand experience for your customers.

Successful Examples of Brand Storytelling:

Nike: “Just Do It”

Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign is a prime example of powerful brand storytelling. The campaign inspires and motivates people to overcome challenges, push their limits, and achieve greatness. By featuring real-life athletes and their stories of determination and perseverance, Nike has successfully connected with its audience emotionally, reinforcing its brand image as a sports champion and personal achievement.

Coca-Cola: “Open Happiness”

Coca-Cola has mastered the art of storytelling by focusing on creating emotional connections. The “Open Happiness” campaign revolves around shared moments of joy, celebration, and togetherness. Through heartwarming stories and uplifting advertisements, Coca-Cola has established itself as a brand that spreads happiness and fosters positive consumer experiences.


Mastering the art of brand storytelling is a valuable skill for businesses looking to build a strong brand identity. By harnessing the power of storytelling and leveraging different types of narratives, brands can connect with their audience on a deeper level, differentiate themselves from competitors, and cultivate long-lasting customer loyalty. Hire experts like Pixenite as your branding agency in Ahmedabad to weave the best stories for your brand.

Consistency is the key when it comes to building a memorable brand. Just a glimpse of the bitten apple, we recognised it as Apple, a swoosh for Nike and of course famous golden arches for McDonald’s. As a small business owner, creating a strong brand is essential to your success. One of the key elements in establishing a strong brand is developing brand guidelines. These guidelines provide a roadmap for your business’s visual identity, tone of voice, and overall brand personality. You can connect with a graphic design company Ahmedabad to create brand guidelines for your business.

Learn How to Create Brand Guidelines:

Step 1: Define Your Brand Identity

Your brand identity is the foundation of your brand. It is a representation of who you are as a business and what you stand for. An experienced branding agency in Ahmedabad can help you to define your brand identity. But if you wish to define your brand identity by yourself then you’ll need to:

Step 2: Create Your Visual Identity

Your visual identity is the collection of visual elements that represent your brand, including your logo, color palette, typography, and imagery. Ensure to include expert graphic design company Ahmedabad to create your visual identity. Here you’ll need to:

Step 3: Establish Your Tone of Voice

Your tone of voice is the way you communicate with your audience. It should reflect your brand personality and be consistent across all of your marketing materials. To establish your tone of voice, you’ll need to:

Step 4: Define Your Brand Guidelines

Your brand guidelines are a set of rules for how your brand should be represented visually and verbally. They ensure that your brand remains consistent across all of your marketing materials and help to establish a strong brand identity. Your brand guidelines should include:

Step 5: Create a Brand Guidelines Document

Your brand guidelines document should outline all of your brand guidelines in detail, including examples of how they should be applied. It should be easily accessible to anyone who works with your brand, including designers, copywriters, and social media managers. Your brand guidelines document should include:

Step 6: Enforce Your Brand Guidelines

Once you’ve created your brand guidelines document, it’s important to enforce your brand guidelines. Make sure that anyone who works with your brand understands the importance of consistency and adhering to your brand guidelines.

Step 7: Enforce Your Brand Guidelines

Once you’ve created your brand guidelines document, it’s important to enforce your brand guidelines. Make sure that anyone who works with your brand understands the importance of consistency and adhering to your brand guidelines. This includes providing training for new employees and contractors who will be working with your brand.

Step 8: Review and Update Your Brand Guidelines

Finally, it’s important to review and update your brand guidelines regularly. Your brand may evolve over time, and your brand guidelines should reflect these changes. Regularly reviewing and updating your brand guidelines will ensure that your brand stays consistent and relevant.

Concluding Words

By following these steps and creating a comprehensive brand guidelines document, you can ensure that your brand is accurately represented and that your audience has a clear understanding of who you are and what you stand for. If you are unsure how to do it the right way, Pixenite is the right choice for you. We are an emerging branding agency in Ahmedabad offering the best graphic design, digital marketing and other services. We have expert and experienced people in our team.

Book a consultation now!